The Top 7 Worst Results of Plastic Surgery and How To Avoid Them

When someone chooses a particular plastic surgery procedure, they often feel optimistic that all will go well and that the surgery will be successful. There is one thing that everyone hates to think about: the possibility of complications following plastic surgery.
Although it is rare, this can happen and some people have died from complications following plastic surgery. This shouldn’t discourage you from having your procedure. Let’s now look at the 7 most serious consequences of plastic surgery and how we can avoid them.
Organ damage
This is the most serious side effect of liposuction. If the surgical probe comes in contact with your internal organs, you could experience perforations or visceral punctures. These injuries may require additional surgery. Sometimes, complications resulting from organ damage following liposuction could prove fatal.
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
Deep vein thrombosis, also known as DVT, is when blood clots within your veins, especially in your legs. This is also known as pulmonary embolism (PE) when blood clots separate and travel to your lungs. These post-surgical complications, while not common, can prove fatal. These complications are only about 0.09% of patients who have had plastic surgery.
Patients who have undergone certain procedures such as abdominoplasty are at greater risk of developing DVT or PE. Patients who have undergone multiple procedures in plastic surgery are at greater risk of developing bloodclots than patients who only undergo one.
Although post-op care provides instructions on how to minimize the risk of infection, it is still a common problem for patients who have had plastic surgery. It can prove fatal if it isn’t treated promptly. Breast augmentation patients are at risk of getting infections from the first to second day. Plastic surgery can also lead to skin infection and cellulitis. Sometimes, internal infections can become very serious and require IV (intravenous), antibiotics.
Nerve damage
Most plastic surgery procedures can lead to nerve damage. After plastic surgery, numbness and tingling are very common symptoms. Nerve damage is usually temporary. However, in serious cases it can become permanent. Breast augmentation is a common procedure for women. 15% of those patients experience permanent changes in their nipple sensitive.
It is a small, painful bump that forms under the skin. This is very common in breast augmentation patients. 1% of patients develop complications. It is also very common in patients undergoing facelifts, with 1% of them suffering from it. Hematoma is more common in men than it is in women.
You should be aware that hematomas are a common side effect of almost all types of plastic surgery. You might need additional surgery to remove the blood from the skin. You might have to go through an additional procedure. General anesthesia is used during this procedure.
According to Phoenix plastic surgeons, seroma complications can be similar to hematoma. This is when lymphatic fluid builds up around the surgical site. Clear fluid may build up near the surgery site. If fluid accumulation is severe, the doctor may decide to drain the fluid using a syringe. These complications are more common in cosmetic procedures such as a tummy-tuck.
Anesthesia-related complications
Anesthesia-related complications are rare in plastic surgery patients. Research has shown that anesthesia-related complications are the leading cause for plastic surgery death. Although the risk of complications is low, they are still very real. This highlights the need to be careful with all procedures.
These complications can be reduced
Select the right plastic surgeon
This is the best way to avoid serious complications after plastic surgery. You need to ensure that you choose a surgeon who has the appropriate training, experience, and credentials. Your surgeon should also be certified by American Board of Plastic Surgery.
You should also inquire about the qualifications of the surgeon and their experience during the consultation. To get an idea of what to expect, ask them to show you before-and-after photos of their patients.
Follow the instructions for post-operative care
Patients who do not follow the post-op instructions are known to have the most severe consequences after plastic surgery. You can also risk the complications mentioned above by not properly preparing for your surgery. Your surgeon will advise you on what to do and not do before and after your surgery. These are the instructions to follow.